14/01/25 Morning Murli Om Shanti BapDada Madhuban
children, you should not look at anyone’s body. Consider yourselves to be souls
and don’t look at anyone’s body.
To which two
special aspects should each of you Brahmin children pay attention?
This study
and the divine virtues. Whereas some children don’t have the slightest anger,
others have so much anger that they fight a great deal. You children should be
concerned about imbibing divine virtues and becoming deities. Do not speak
angrily to anyone. Baba says: The children who have anger within them are like
lords and ladies of evil spirits. You must not talk to anyone who has such evil
My fortune
having awakened I have come.
Om shanti.
You children
heard the song. The meanings of such records are not explained at any other
gathering. They simply read the scriptures there. In the Sikh temples, those who
read the Granth take two lines from it and then expand on those. Nowhere else is
the record they play explained. The Father now explains: All of those songs
belong to the path of devotion. You children have been told that this knowledge
is separate from devotion and can only be given by incorporeal Shiva. This
knowledge is called spiritual knowledge. There are varieties of knowledge.
Someone may ask you whether you know how this carpet is made. There is knowledge
of everything. All of those are physical things. You children know that there is
only the one spiritual Father of us souls and that it is not possible to see His
form. The image of that incorporeal Being is like a saligram. He is called the
Supreme Soul. He is called the Incorporeal. He doesn’t have a human form.
Everything definitely has a form and the tiniest form is that of a soul. That is
called the wonder of nature. A soul is so tiny that it cannot be seen with these
eyes. You children have now been given divine eyesight with which you can have
visions of everything. You can see with divine eyesight those who existed in the
past. That one became the past first of all. He has now come again and so you
also have a vision of Him. He is very subtle. From this, it can be understood
that no one but the Supreme Father, the Supreme Soul, can give this knowledge of
souls. People do not know souls accurately. In the same way, they cannot know
the Supreme Soul accurately. People in the world have innumerable opinions. Some
say that souls merge into the Supreme Soul and others say something else. You
children now understand this, numberwise, according to the efforts you make.
This cannot sit in everyone's intellect to the same extent. You repeatedly have
to make this sit in your intellects. We are souls and we play our parts of 84
births. The Father now says: Consider yourselves to be souls, know Me, the
Supreme Father, the Supreme Soul, and remember Me. The Father says: I enter this
one and give this knowledge to you children. Because you children don’t consider
yourselves to be souls, your vision goes towards this body. In fact, you do not
have anything to do with this one. The Bestower of Salvation for All is Shiv
Baba and we give happiness to everyone according to His directions. This one has
no arrogance about giving happiness to everyone. Those who do not remember the
Father accurately cannot have their defects removed. They do not have the faith
that they are souls. People neither know about souls nor the Supreme Soul. It
was the people of Bharat who spread the idea of omnipresence around. The
serviceable children amongst you understand this, but the rest of you don’t
understand as much. If you children recognised the Father accurately and fully,
you would remember Him and also imbibe divine virtues. Shiv Baba explains this
to you children. This is a new aspect. Brahmins are definitely needed. No one in
the world knows the period when the children of Prajapita Brahma exist. There
are many physical brahmins, but that creation are born from wombs. They are not
mouth-born creation, the children of Brahma. The children of Brahma receive an
inheritance from God, the Father. You are now receiving that inheritance. You
Brahmins are separate from those brahmins. You Brahmins exist at the confluence
age whereas those brahmins exist in the copper and iron ages. You
confluence-aged Brahmins are totally separate. Prajapita Brahma has many
children. A physical father is also called Brahma because he creates children,
but that is a matter connected with bodies. This Father (Shiva) would say: All
souls are My children. You are the sweetest, spiritual children. It is easy to
explain this to anyone. Shiv Baba doesn’t have a body of His own. People
celebrate the birthday of Shiva, but He doesn’t have a body which you could see.
Everyone else has a body. All souls have their own bodies. It is their bodies
that are given names. The Supreme Soul doesn’t have a body of His own and this
is why He is called the Supreme Soul. That soul is called Shiva; that name never
changes. When someone changes his body, the name also changes. Shiv Baba says: I
am constantly the incorporeal Supreme Soul. According to the drama plan, I have
now taken this body. Even the names of sannyasis change. When someone belongs to
a guru, his name is changed. You also used to have your names changed, but for
how long would Baba continue to change everyone's name? So many ran away. Those
who were here at that time had their names changed. No one's name is changed
now. You cannot trust anyone. Maya defeats many and so they run away. This is
why Baba doesn’t give a new name to anyone. It is not good if He gives a name to
one and not to another. Although you all say: Baba, we now belong to You, you do
not belong to Baba accurately. Many of you don’t understand the meaning of
becoming an heir. Many come to meet Baba, but they are not heirs. They’re unable
to enter the rosary of victory. Some good children consider themselves to be
heirs, but Baba knows that they are not heirs. In order to become an heir, you
first have to make God your Heir. It is difficult to explain these secrets. Baba
explains to you children what it means to be an heir. When you make God your
Heir, you have to give Him all of your property. Then the Father would make you
His heir. Only the poor can do this; the rich are unable to give their property.
The rosary is created from only a few children. If you were to ask Baba, Baba
could tell you whether or not you have a right to become an heir. That Baba, as
well as this Baba, could tell you. This is a common aspect to understand. You
need wisdom in order to become an heir. You can see that Lakshmi and Narayan
were the masters of the world, but no one knows how they claimed that mastership.
Your aim and objective is now in front of you. That is what you have to become.
You children say that you will become the sun-dynasty Lakshmi or Narayan, not
the moon-dynasty Rama or Sita. Rama and Sita are defamed in the scriptures. You
would never hear any defamation of Lakshmi and Narayan. There is defamation of
Shiv Baba and of Shri Krishna. The Father says: I make you children the most
elevated of all. You children become even higher than I am. No one would ever
defame Lakshmi or Narayan. Although the Shri Krishna soul is the same as the
Narayan one, because people do not know this, they have defamed him. They build
a temple to Lakshmi and Narayan with a lot of happiness. In fact, the temple
they build should be to Radhe and Krishna because they were satopradhan. These (Lakshmi
and Narayan) are in their adult stage and so they are called sato, whereas those
(Radhe and Krishna) are young and so they are called satopradhan. A small child
is equal to a mahatma. Just as little children do not know what vice etc. is, in
the same way, the adults there have no knowledge of what vice is. These five
evil spirits do not exist there. They know nothing about vices. At present it is
the night. Only at night is there the desire for lust. Deities exist in the day
and so there is no desire for lust there. There are no vices there. Now that it
is the night, everyone indulges in vice. You know that all your vices will end
as soon as the morning comes. You will then not know what vices are. They are
Ravan’s vicious traits. This is a vicious world. In that viceless world, there
is no question of vice. That is called God’s kingdom. At present it is the
devil’s kingdom, but no one knows that. You now know everything, numberwise,
according to the effort you make. There are many of you children. People are
unable to understand whose children you Brahma Kumars and Kumaris are. They all
remember Shiv Baba. They do not remember Brahma. This one also says: Remember
Shiv Baba through whom all your sins will be absolved. Your sins will not be
absolved by remembering anyone else. It is written in the Gita: Constantly
remember Me alone. Shri Krishna didn’t say this. You receive the inheritance
from the incorporeal Father. Only when you consider yourselves to be souls will
you be able to remember the incorporeal Father. First of all, have the firm
faith that you are souls and that your Father is the Supreme Soul. He says:
Remember Me and I will give you your inheritance. I am the Bestower of Happiness
for All. I take all souls back to the land of peace. Those who claimed the
inheritance from the Father in the previous cycle will come and become Brahmins
and claim the inheritance again. Amongst Brahmins too, some are very firm
children; there are real children and there are stepchildren. We children are
the genealogical tree of incorporeal Shiva. You know how this genealogical tree
grows. Now, having become Brahmins, we have to return home. All souls have to
leave their bodies and return home. Both the Pandavas and the Kauravas have to
leave their bodies. You take the sanskars of this knowledge with you and the
reward you receive is according to those. That too is fixed in the drama; the
part of this knowledge in the drama then comes to an end. Now, after taking 84
births, you are receiving this knowledge again. This knowledge will then
disappear and you will experience your reward. There aren't pictures etc. of any
other religions there. You have pictures on the path of devotion. There aren't
anyone's pictures in the golden age. Your pictures exist throughout the path of
devotion. In your kingdom, there aren't any other pictures. There are only the
deities at that time. You can understand from this that the deities are the
original and eternal ones. The world continues to grow afterwards. You children
should churn this knowledge and remain in supersensuous joy. There are many
points to churn. However, Baba knows that Maya makes you repeatedly forget. You
have to remember that Shiv Baba is teaching you. He is the Highest on High. We
now have to return home. These things are so easy. Everything depends on
remembrance. We have to imbibe divine virtues and become deities. The five vices
are evil spirits. There are the evil spirits of lust, anger and body
consciousness. Yes, some have more evil spirits than others. You Brahmin
children know that these five vices are big evil spirits. The number one evil
spirit is lust. The second number is anger. When someone speaks in a rough way,
the Father says that that one has anger in him. That evil spirit has to be
removed. It is very difficult to remove an evil spirit. Anger causes sorrow for
one another. Not as many people experience sorrow through attachment; those who
do have attachment only experience sorrow. This is why the Father says: Chase
those evil spirits away! Each one of you children should pay special attention
to this study and to divine virtues. Some children don’t have the slightest
trace of anger, whereas others fight a great deal due to anger. You children
should think about imbibing divine virtues and becoming deities. Never speak in
anger. When someone becomes angry, you can understand that that person has an
evil spirit of anger in him. It is as though they become lords and ladies of
evil spirits. Never talk to those who have such evil spirits. When someone
speaks in anger and the evil spirit also enters the other one, the two evil
spirits then fight each other. The expression "Lady of evil spirits" (bhootnathni)
is very dirty. You should stay away from such a person so that that evil spirit
doesn’t enter you. Don’t remain standing in front of an evil spirit or it will
enter you. The Father comes to enable you to remove your devilish traits and to
imbibe divine virtues. The Father says: I have come to make you imbibe divine
virtues and to make you into deities. You children know that you are imbibing
divine virtues. The images of the deities are in front of you. Baba has told you
to stay completely away from those who have anger. You need wisdom to protect
yourselves. There shouldn't be any anger inside you. Otherwise, your sin will
multiply one hundred-fold. The Father explains very clearly to you children. You
children also understand that Baba is teaching you exactly as He did in the
previous cycle. You children will continue to understand, numberwise, according
to the efforts you make. Have mercy for yourselves and also for others. Some
have mercy for others but none for themselves. The others then climb high whilst
they themselves remain behind. They themselves do not conquer the vices, but
they explain to others. So the others then conquer the vices. There are such
wonders! Achcha.
To you sweetest,
beloved, long-lost and now-found children, love, remembrance and Good morning
from the Mother, the Father, BapDada. The spiritual Father says namaste to you
spiritual children.
Essence for dharna:
1. Churn this
knowledge and remain in supersensuous joy. Do not talk to anyone in a rough way.
Move away from anyone who speaks to you in anger.
2. In order to
become an heir of God, first make Him your Heir. Become sensible and finish all
your attachment by giving everything that belongs to you to the Father. Have
mercy for yourself.
May you
become an avyakt angel, like the father by giving sakaash to all souls while in
your highest stage and as a detached observer.
Constantly consider
yourself to be an incorporeal soul and, while walking and moving around and
performing actions, consider yourself to be an avyakt angel and you will
continue to fly up above. An angel is someone who stays in the highest stage. No
matter what continues to happen in this physical world, be a detached observer
and continue to observe everyone’s part and continue to give them sakaash. You
cannot give sakaash by getting off your seat. Remain stable in the highest stage
and, with the help of your attitude and drishti, give the sakaash of
benevolence, not while in a mixed state of mind. Only then will you be able to
remain safe in any type of atmosphere and receive the blessing of becoming an
avyakt angel, like the father.
With the
power of remembrance, transform sorrow into happiness and peacelessness into
With your powerful
mind, do the service of giving sakaash.
You can serve many
souls while staying at any place, with your pure feelings, elevated wishes,
elevated attitude, and elevated vibrations. The way to do this is to be a
lighthouse and a might house. There is no question of having physical
facilities, a chance or time for this. You simply need to be full of light and